
All children have spelling tests during their first few weeks in school to see which words they can already spell and which spellings still need to be secured. Each child in the school then has their own personalised list of spellings to learn. Each week the children take home 5 words to learn which are then tested at school the following week. If the test shows that they can spell all 5 words a new set of words will be sent home. Any words that are still not secure will continue to be on the next set of 5 words to give more time for practice. As children move through the school they progress through a series of 7 sets of words (Sets A – G) which are appropriate to their age and / or spelling ability. Most children will enter Year 3 already able to spell the first 3 sets (Sets A – C) of words but will spend time securing any gaps before moving onto Set D words. On the lists, the Statutory National Curriculum spelling words appear in bold with other high frequency words not in bold. The aim is for most children to have learnt how to spell all the words by the time they leave us to go to secondary school.

The spelling lists can be found here: High Frequency Spelling Lists

Please follow this link to view the Strategies for Learning Spellings document.