Snack Shack


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During the beginning of the Autumn Term 2022, Year 5 children learnt about healthy eating and they felt that offering fruit and vegetables at break time would really help everyone. As a result, and with thanks to Tesco for supporting the project (and all our families and friends who voted for us to receive funding), the Snack Shack arrived and our Year 5 children take responsibility to run it since then. Snack Shack is open every Friday morning break.

Congratulations to Alice in Vulcan class who completed the winning design for the logo and painting of the Snack Shack. Alice officially opened our Snack Shack just before it opened for business!

The cost of a piece of fruit is 20p (1 token)  and parents are asked to pay in advance through ScoPay. £1 will give your child 5 tokens.

Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals will be given tokens free of charge


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