School Admissions

We are a junior school and cater for children between the ages of 7 and 11. Children usually start school in Year 3 in September of the school year in which they are 7. 

As a Hampshire County Council maintained school, Cove Junior School does not manage any our pupil admissions or appeals process. These are managed for us by Hampshire County Council’s Admissions Team who can be contacted:

 By Email:

By Phone: 0300 555 1377

Please click the link below to see the Hampshire Catchment Area Finder:

Catchment Area Finder

 Year 3 – Main Round Admissions

Children born between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016 will be due to start juniors school in September 2023.

Please see the Joining Our School page for details of Open Day events.

Hampshire County Council – Main Round Admissions.

 In-Year Admissions

We understand that it is sometimes necessary for you to move your child to a new school during the school year due to a house move, because you are a Service Family, or you feel that your child’s current school is not right for them.

If you are thinking of moving to Cove Junior School we would like to invite you and your child to come and visit the school.  School tours can be arranged by calling the School Office on 01252 542941. 

If you decide that you would like to apply to Cove Junior School you will need to apply through Hampshire County Council’s website by clicking the link below.

 Hampshire County Council – In-Year Applications

 Year 7 – Applications

During the Autumn term, the Year 6 children will be deciding which senior school they will be attending the following September. It is essential that you apply before the Hampshire County Council deadline to ensure that your child gets a place at their preferred school.

Full details about the admissions process can be found on the Hampshire County Council website by clicking on the following link:

 Year 7 – Application Process Information

For more information please read our Admissions Policy here: