Inclusion and Diversity

As a school we have committed to the Hampshire Inclusion and Diversity Partnership (IDP).

By ‘signing’ this document, we have committed, as a setting, to:

• Create an inclusive environment, culture and curriculum where everyone has a voice and is heard and understood

• Develop inclusive pedagogies

• Promote critical thinking of all staff, governors and children

• Develop a curriculum that challenges propaganda and ensures that the information shared with children and young people is accurate, comprehensive and from a wide range of perspectives

• Challenge stereotypes and unconscious bias

• Provide a range of positive role models from across all sections of society

• Ensure that all children have the highest aspirations for their futures and value the contribution they make to society and the world around them

• Interrogate data with reference to equity and equality

• Measure attitudes towards difference, establishing a baseline for future assessment – tracking trends over time

• Work in partnership with parents, carers, governors and the wider community. As part of this commitment, you undertake to use the self-evaluation tool to evaluate your existing practice; identify areas of good practice which can be shared with others; identify areas for development and seek appropriate support; and attend relevant IDP events, eg conference, training.