
What is Bullying?
Bullying is a form of peer on peer abuse. Cove Junior School takes any incidents of bullying very seriously, with prompt action being a priority. We define bullying by the acronym S.T.O.P.

Several Times On Purpose

Bullying is repeated behaviour which makes other people feel uncomfortable or threatened whether this is intended or not. Bullying is about power. Victims feel powerless to stop it.

Bullying can take many forms:
• Physical: e.g. hitting, kicking, taking or hiding belongings
• Verbal: e.g. name-calling, teasing, threats, insulting and personal remarks
• Written: unkind notes, text messages or other electronic messages
• Emotional: e.g. spreading rumours, excluding from groups, tormenting, staring
• Deliberate exclusion, and inciting others to exclude an individual
• Cyber: unkind comments made when on-line e.g. through chat rooms, on-line games, social media platforms
• A combination of the above: e.g. extortion (forcing someone to give up money or belongings) or intimidation (making someone frightened because of threats)

Any of these may also have contexts which discriminate in relation to race, gender, sexual orientation, SEN, or disability.

All children and adults have the right to learn and work in an environment where they feel safe and that is free from harassment and bullying.

• To ensure that all people (children and adults) in the school community are able to work in a safe and secure environment free from humiliation, harassment, oppression and abuse
• To clarify for all members of the school community that bullying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated
• To ensure that all pupils, parents, staff, governors and others are aware of this policy and know that all instances of bullying will be viewed seriously and dealt with appropriately

Guidance on dealing with bullying behaviour:

Children will:
• Tell a grown up or someone they trust as soon as possible e.g. parent, teacher, family member or a friend
• Report any incidents of alleged bullying as soon as possible
• Be supported to understand the effect that bullying could have on other people
• Be encouraged to take responsibility for trying to prevent bullying
• Understand the difference between ‘banter’ and interactions that can threaten or hurt others

Parents should:
• Work in partnership with the school to resolve issues
• Recognise that any child can make inappropriate behaviour choices
• Raise any concerns with the class teacher as soon as possible
• Provide evidence of bullying if available (e.g. screen shots)
• Promote the use of inclusive and non-derogatory language and challenge their children if they are using prejudice-based or aggressive language

Our staff will:
• Promote an understanding of bullying and develop strategies to protect themselves from bullying through:
the ethos of the school; the school values; the PSHE, RHE and Character Education curriculum; SMSC;
assemblies; and the RE curriculum
• Keep an open mind
• Treat all incidents of bullying seriously and investigate any allegations to establish the nature of an incident
• Support, reassure and guide children who are involved
• Keep a written record of any incidents or investigations which will be shared with relevant members of staff
• Ensure that all adults in the school understand the policy and procedures to deal with bullying
• Follow the Behaviour Policy, applying agreed sanctions as deemed necessary
• Agree a course of action, monitor it and keep parents informed
• Act as models for inclusive and positive behaviours

Please click on the logos below to find additional information and support:

a group of organisations and individuals, working together to achieve a vision to: stop bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. 


Learn about bullying prevention, engage in activities and be inspired to take action. 


Support for parents