Governor Information


 A Welcome Message from the Governors…

The school’s governors would like to welcome you and your child to Cove Junior School. We are proud to be part of a school that provides the children with a safe, happy environment in which they can flourish.

The school’s governing body plays an important role in overseeing how the school is managed. Using experience from our various backgrounds, we provide support that includes; ensuring the school’s performance is evaluated and continually improves, helping to develop strategic direction for the school and ensuring legal obligations are met. Most importantly, the governing body is made up of members who care about the school and want it to continue to succeed. We are very proud of our pupils and all of their achievements. It is a privilege to be part of helping each child become thoughtful, responsible, caring members of our school and wider community.

Please don’t hold back in getting involved with our school community. Whether it is joining the school PTA, supporting trips and events or joining us as a governor, you will be made most welcome. We hope your child enjoys their time at Cove Junior School.

Chair of Governors’ annual report June 2021

Governors’ Behaviour Statement December 2023

Chair of Governors’ annual report March 2023

Chair of Governors’ Report June 2024



Structure of CJS Governing Body Governor attendance at meetings 2022-23 Governor Declaration of InterestsOur Current Governors